Software developer

Bailey Appelhans

Hello, I'm Bailey!Aspiring software developer, creative problem solver, and avid explorer of the digital realm. With a penchant for full stack web development and a knack for object-oriented programming, I'm on a journey to craft innovative solutions and create captivating digital experiences.Please feel free to contact me with any inquiries, and take a look at some of my projects below.



JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express.js, JQuery, MySQL, Git

QuickQuote is a dynamic full-stack CRUD web application developed as part of an Introduction to Software Engineering course project. Tasked with enhancing efficiency for a plant repair service company, our team meticulously crafted a solution that streamlines the sales process. Utilizing agile methodologies and robust design practices, we engineered a comprehensive system enabling sales associates to seamlessly record quotes online. With distinct interfaces tailored for sales associates, office workers, and system administrators, QuickQuote empowers each user with intuitive tools for their specific roles. From creating and editing quotes to managing purchase orders and assigning commissions, QuickQuote revolutionizes the sales workflow.